Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shepherd is One!

Although I am a month and a half late in posting this, the title is technically still accurate, seeing that he is still one... For Shep's birthday, we just had a fun family get together. We had a dog-themed birthday party since that is one of Shep's favorite things right now. Shepherd ate his own birthday cake and did a pretty good job on it. I made it just for him: wheat-free and egg-free!

Some things of note right now for Mr. Shep:
-He is walking like a pro. He probably started about one month ago when he was 12.5 months old.
-He is still doing great eating table food. He is a fruit lover at the moment. If there is fruit in sight he does not want anything else.
-He is strongly resisting switching from a bottle to a sippy cup. He has successfully switched entirely to whole milk, but he still prefers it heated and in a bottle. As of now he drinks one of his servings of milk per day out of a cup. As have been all food-related things with him, I think this will be a slow transition. His pediatrician told us to switch cold turkey, which we tried for about a day. I probably didn't give it long enough, but he drank zero milk that day and I think he would have been pretty stubborn about not drinking from a cup, so we nixed that idea and are going to try a more gradual transition.
-He is saying a few words: dada, mama (very, very rarely), all done, cup, uh uh (for uh oh), uh uh (for wuff wuff - can't really tell the difference between the two unless you know what he's talking about), go (says at random and for crashing towers of blocks)
-He is in Nursery III at school and sleeps on a mat on the floor for naptime and eats in a big boy chair at a table. We can't believe that he does either of these things!
-Still loves Bea. Gives her regular hugs and kisses and always want to be the one to give her treats.
-Still allergic to wheat and eggs. We have to send him his own food to school instead of him eating off the menu. Tim and I always spend part of our evening after he has gone to bed preparing/cutting up his various meals and snacks for school. We hope he out grows this sooner rather than later!
-His personality is very sweet and usually easy going. He still prefers me or Tim to anyone else, especially in a new situation. He is usually going non-stop, and it is hard to keep up with him.

Here are a couple more pics:

First time to have the famous refried beans at Molly's. They were a hit!

Our view from the bathroom in the morning. Shep is usually an early riser. He stands in his jumperoo and watches Baby Einstein from the hallway while we get ready.

In other news, I started residency on July 1. It has been good, but busy. It's been an adjustment for me to be working from 8-5 everyday, but it could be a lot worse. I am currently doing surgical pathology at the VA now through October. It is a busy rotation, and I have a lot to learn!

We had our 20 week ultrasound of baby #2 yesterday, and found out that we're having a girl!! She looked great and healthy and we are very excited! We haven't decided on a name yet, but hopefully in the near future.

Our house is still on the market with little sign of selling anytime soon. We may be squeezing baby girl in here after all!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To hold you over...

Well it's been a long time since I've posted and that is because we are busy! I still need to do Shepherd's birthday post (which happened one month ago)! But until then, here are some pics from my iPhone to hold you over for the time being. I'm sure they are probably blurry.

Messy spaghetti dinner:

Evening walk after a long day:

A budding Beethoven?

Also, due to my lack of blogging I have not yet announced some big news in our house. Here is a little hint:

Aside from the fact that I am wearing scrubs everyday to work, you may also be able to see my 18 week baby bump! Yes- baby #2 is due on January 15! We find out the sex next week. We can't wait to have another little one in the Kempe house!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone