Thursday, August 26, 2010


Shepherd will be 7 weeks this Saturday! He started smiling about 2 weeks ago so here are some pics of his new skill and some others from the past couple weeks. It only took about 20 pictures to get one or two with a smile!

Bath time

Don't know where he gets those long legs!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One month!

Shepherd is 4 weeks old today! It doesn't seem like it's been a whole month since we went to the hospital to have him. Time is going quickly! Noteworthy happenings: Shepherd and I took a trip to Tim's work this week, Shepherd took his first bottle, and sadly, his hair seems to be falling out. Hopefully it will be quickly replaced. We're just waiting to see what color. It is still looking pretty brown and his eyes are still a dark navy color. Here some picture updates of the cute boy. He is looking bigger every day!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Shepherd is now 3 1/2 weeks old! He had his 2 week check up last week and here are his stats:
Weight 8lb 6oz (42%)
Height 21.5 in (87%)
Head 36.5 cm (49%)

He gained a whole pound from his birth weight and we were so proud!
He is starting to be more alert when he is awake and is tracking objects with his eyes. He still has a lot to learn in the sleep department (i.e. that he should do more of it at night than during the day) but we'll give him a little longer to figure it out! My pictures are taking forever to download so there are only a few un-edited pics here - hopefully more to come soon! Check out this cuteness: