Monday, April 11, 2011

Nine Months

Happy nine months to our little man. Time is flying! Before we know it we''ll be celebrating the big 1 year! Just a few updates on what Shep's been doing over the past month.

Eating: We have successfully moved to a 4 hour schedule and it's been great. Shep nurses or takes a bottle at 6, 10, 2, and then not again until 7:30 or 8 at bedtime. He eats baby food with all of our meals and has some other snacks in there too. A few weeks ago we fed Shep some Gerber mac and cheese and he broke out in hives all over. It was very scary and ended up in us getting him tested for allergies. We found out that he is allergic to eggs, milk, wheat, and peanuts. Yikes! I am hoping to find out more about this and possibly get more testing to find out which allergies are really serious and if any were false positives. But I'm guessing that we may be a peanut-free house from here on out.

Milestones: Still not crawling or pulling up, but he seems pretty happy to just scoot around. He can get from his belly to sitting now and does it whenever possible. He is always sitting up in his crib when we go to get him in the morning. He's started eating some puffs and can pick things up fairly well with his thumb and first finger. He finally started to get his first 2 teeth about a week ago. He says da-da ocassionally, but shows no signs of acknowledging me verbally-ha! He's showing some stranger anxiety now and the teachers at school say that he cries when someone he doesn't know walks into the room and he is very particular about who is allowed to feed him.

Personality: He is still a very squirmy and on-the-move guy, but he's also showing to be somewhat cautious. He likes to really check out his surroundings in any new situation before he decides if he's going to like it. He still loves Bea and likes to give her hugs and kisses. Gross I know, but I figure he puts a lot nastier things in his mouth. At least his allergy test showed that he's not allergic to dogs! He's also starting to be quite the mama's boy. I can't say I mind this too much, but we're hoping to get him to be a little more open to other people too.

Here is Shep and Bea waiting for Tim to get home one afternoon. One of them was more task-oriented than the other...

Match Day at the Pink Palace.
We'll be staying in Memphis for the next 4 years!

No it wasn't Christmas. Just playing with toys in Christmas jammies.
Why do boys have such a love for trucks??

This one is blurry, but I had to show him in his big-boy clothes!

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